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49€ /month

10% discount for a year

for single user


249€ /month

10% discount for a year

for 10 user subscription


1149€ /month

10% discount for a year

for 100 user subscription

Service & Product

We are developing the gaming software modules and the AI/ML interface where captured data relating to eye movement and heart rate is used to monitor the progress of the treatment. The virtual environment is something both patients and doctors can witness, allowing for the patients’ reactions to be analyzed more thoroughly.

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The product is highly cost-efficient since it reduces the need for highly trained professionals and healthcare experts due to automation. Moreover, families taking care of a child with ASD are faced with rising costs so that their child receives the necessary treatment during their lifespan. However, reduced costs are being expected using Autism VR as the total costs of Autism VR subscription plus wearable device costs are remarkably lower than those costs families with ASD children incur so that their children receive the necessary treatment.

Being equipped with virtual reality technology, Autism VR provides patients with an opportunity where they can get involved in a game-based learning activity and experience real-life communicative situations designed within varying scenarios. The experience occurs in a safe and controllable environment so that the doctors can observe and analyze patient’s reactions to their surrounding environment meticulously. Meanwhile, avatars or online representations of people in social scenarios are controlled by clinicians to induce less stress and make patients less frustrated.

Our product allows therapists to offer an evidence-based treatment. It is carried out through exposing patients to customized therapies for children with ASD. What makes the exposure possible is virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) which assisted us when merged with evidence-based treatment in order to train children with ASD and make them aware of prerequisites of living in a society where communication plays a vital role in people’s lives. Intensive Behavioral Intervention which is a kind of evidence-based treatment is claimed to be an effective treatment for communicative functioning.




Conversation Training:

Virtual Reality games for training children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Fun games for training:

AutismVR speaks your language

Color Game:

English, French, Arabic, Persian

Emotion Game:

English, French, Arabic, Persian

We provide many features you can use

Apart from the above-mentioned distinguishing features Autism VR offers, it also possesses unique features which are as follows:

highly time-efficient

practically feasible regarding logistical challenges ad geographical constraints

ensuring higher treatment fidelity

designed about AI-based effective algorithms

produced to help therapists with greater precision

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