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What age range are Autism VR games suitable for?

The games are designed for children ages 5-17

What level of autism can children have and still use the games?

The games are designed to be accessible to children with all levels of autism, as long as they are able to tolerate wearing a VR headset

Are virtual reality games safe for children with autism?

Yes, virtual reality games can be safe for children with autism, as long as they are used with caution and under adult supervision. Like any type of game, it is important to limit the time spent playing and to look for any signs of discomfort or distress in your child.

Are there limitations to using these VR games at home?

While the games themselves are safe for appropriate age groups, there are a few things to consider for home use:
Physical space: VR games often require some free space for the user to move around safely. Make sure there are no obstacles or furniture in the way.
Playtime: It’s important to limit playtime, especially for younger users, to avoid potential discomfort or dizziness.
Parental supervision: While the games are designed to be safe, it’s still recommended for parents or guardians to supervise children while playing.
By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable VR experience for your child at home.

Tips for using virtual reality games with children with autism:
  • Limit play time: Like any type of game, it is important to limit the amount of time children with autism spend playing virtual reality games.
  • Look for signs of discomfort: Look for any signs of discomfort or distress in your child, such as fatigue, irritability, or dizziness.
  • Make the play area safe: Make the play area safe to prevent your child from getting injured.