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visual memory in people with autism spectrum disorder


People with autism spectrum disorder have very different memory processes. They are able to remember the details of an event or scene, but sometimes they have trouble remembering the order in which events occurred.

One thing that is important to note about people with autism spectrum disorder is that their visual memory is much more detailed than a person without autism. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage depending on the situation. For example, they may be able to remember what happened in a specific part of a movie scene when others would not be able to remember anything at all because they were not focusing on that area of the screen. On the other hand, this visual memory can make it difficult for them to remember things like the order in which events occurred if they were not paying attention during those moments.

People with autism spectrum disorder have a very different memory process than those without it. One thing that needs to be considered when talking about this topic is how detailed their visual memories are compared.

The research conducted by the University of California, Davis, found that people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a better visual memory than those without ASD. The study also found that people with ASD are less likely to forget information they see on a computer screen. The study was done on a group of 8- to 12-year-old children and teenagers with ASD and an age-matched control group without ASD. All participants were given three tasks: recall of words from a list, recall of images from a list, and recognition of faces from photographs. The researchers found that the participants with ASDs had better visual memory for words on the screen than those without ASDs.

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